- Our company is a specialized organization that provides manufacturing and sales contracting services for medical devices (MAHO: Marketing Authorization Holding Organization).
- 2024.04.08
We will exhibit at "Medtec Japan 2024"
We will be exhibiting at "Medtec Japan 2024," an exhibition on the manufacturing and design of medical devices, to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from Wednesday, April 17th to Friday, April 19th, 2024.
(We will be exhibiting jointly with our group company Expertner Japan Co., Ltd.)
Exhibition booth East 2 hall NO.3605
About the Manufacturing and Sales Agency (MAH) and the Designated Foreign Manufacturing and Sales Agency (DMAH)
We would also like to introduce you to our medical device logistics services.
Please stop by if you are visiting.
※If you wish to visit MedtecJapan2024, you will need to pre-register. Visitor registration - 2023.12.19
Notice of year-end and New Year holidays
We will be closed from December 29, 2023 to January 3, 2024.
We will resume normal business hours from January 4th.
Thank you very much for your help this year.
We look forward to your continued support in 2024. - 2023.11.20
Notice of Company Name Change and Office Relocation
We are pleased to announce that, effective December 1, 2023, our company will undergo a name change to "D MAH Medical Japan Co., Ltd." in order to clarify our business activities.
Additionally, we will be relocating to a new office to facilitate our expand ing operations.
▪ New Company Name : D MAH Medical Japan Co., Ltd.
▪ President : Hideki Fujitsuka
▪ Relocation Date : December 1, 2023
▪ New Address :
14-7 Axa Kodenmacho Building 7F, Nihonbashi Kodenmacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
103-0001, Japan
If you happen to be in the vicinity, we invite you to visit our new office. Please note that there are no changes to our contact numbers.
We appreciate your continued support. - 2023.10.03
We will exhibit at the "14th Healthcare/Medical Device Development" (INTEX Osaka)
Development of medical devices/health care devices to be held at INTEX Osaka from October 4th (Wednesday) to 6th (Friday), 2023 We will be exhibiting at the manufacturing technology exhibition "14th Healthcare/Medical Device Development".
(We will be exhibiting jointly with our group company Expertner Japan Co., Ltd.)
Exhibition booth Building 6 (A venue) NO.37-7
If you have any problems regarding DMAH/MAH (medical device manufacturing and sales agency), please feel free to contact us. Please contact us.
Please stop by if you are visiting.
*If you wish to visit, please pre-register (free of charge).
https://www.manufacturing-world.jp/kansai/ja-jp/about/medix.html - 2023.09.01
We would like to inform you that the following officers have been appointed as of September 1, 2023.
Appointment date: September 1, 2023
Masahiko Tomita Vice President Executive Officer (MAHO business management) - 2023.08.21
Notice of Our Group's 22nd Anniversary and Holiday
We pleased to announce that on September 5th of this year, we will be celebrating our 22nd anniversary since our group company`s establishment. We sincerely express our deepest gratitude for the warm support and kindness extended to us by all.
Please note that on September 5th (Tuesday), in commemoration of the group's establishment anniversary, all of our offices will be closed.
We kindly ask for your continued support and patronage in the years to come.
Thank you for your consideration. - 2023.08.15
We released an educational video for foreign medical device manufacturers who seek entry to the Japanese market. Please take a look it.
⇒Click here to watch the movie. - 2023.04.13
Notice of Participation in “Medtec Japan 2023”
We will be exhibiting at "Medtec Japan 2023", an exhibition related to the manufacturing and design of medical devices, to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from Wednesday, April 19th to Friday, April 22nd, 2023.
(We will be exhibiting jointly with our group company Expartner Japan Co., Ltd.)
Exhibition Booth No. 2700
We would like to introduce you to the Marketing Authorization Holder services (MAH), the Designated Marketing Authorization Holder services (DMAH), and our medical device logistics services.
*Pre-registration for Medtec Japan2023 is required when visiting.
We look forward to seeing you at the event. - 2022.12.20
Notice of year-end and New Year business hours
We will be closed from December 30, 2022 to January 3, 2023.
We will resume normal business hours from January 4th.
Thank you very much for your help this year.
We look forward to your continued support in 2023. - 2022.09.30
- Notice of capital and business alliance.
- 2022.09.13
- We have created a PR video for our company. ⇒Click here to watch the video.
- 2022.08.12
- Notice of Our Group's 22nd Anniversary and Closure
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. On September 5,
2022 (Monday), our group company, Expartner Japan Co., Ltd., will observe its establishment anniversary, and consequently, all offices will be temporarily closed.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. - 2022.06.10
- Company profile and handling results have been updated.
- 2022.10.27
TWe made a PR movie for our company.
⇒Click here to watch the movie. - 2021.12.03
Notice of year-end and New Year holidays
We will be closed from December 30, 2021 (Thursday) to January 3, 2022 (Monday).
We will be open from Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
Thank you for your support. - 2021.11.01
Regarding business hours
We will shorten our business hours for the time being.
Business hours: 09:30-17:30
Also, as some of our employees are working remotely, please contact us
or contact our personnel by e-mail.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. - 2021.03.01
In order to expand our business, we have added a Horidome office.
Click here for details. - 2020.12
- ISO13485:2016 has been re-certified.
You can read easily on LINE
Q&A of medical device Marketing Authorization Holder service is now available! ⇒Click here for details - 2019.01.30
Notice Regarding Handling of Veterinary Medical Devices
We obtained the following licenses on January 22, 2019, and have now become a company capable of handling veterinary medical devices:
- Type II DMAH License for Veterinary Medical Devices
License Number: 30 製販療Ⅱ第202号
- Warehouse Registration for Veterinary Medical Devices
Registration Number: 30 製造療第609号 - 2019.01.30
We acquired the following license on January 22, 2019. We can now import medical devices for animals.
Type II DMAH License of medical device for animals
License No.:30製販療Ⅱ第202号
Warehouse Registration of medical device for animals
egistration No.:30製造療第609号 - 2018.12.20
2019年も何卒、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 - 2018.12.18
「ヘルスケア・医療機器 開発展(MEDIX)」に出展致します!
時 間:各日10:00~18:00(22日(金)のみ17:00終了)
場 所:インテックス大阪
- 2018.5.18
時 間:各日10:00~18:00(22日(金)のみ17:00終了)
場 所:東京ビックサイト
- 2018.4.12
- 「Medtec2018」に出展致します!
時 間:各日10:00~17:00
場 所:東京ビックサイト 東4・5・6ホール
是非、当社ブースへお越し下さい!(ブースNoは915となります) - 2018.04
- ISO13485:2016 を取得しました。
- 2018.01
- 新年、明けましておめでとうございます。
代表取締役社長 藤塚秀樹
- 2018
- 新たに医療機器承認を取得しました。
一般的名称:単回使用注排用先丸針 承認番号:22900BZI00038000 - 2017.12
- 年末年始営業のお知らせ
- 2017.08
- 医療機器新規参入企業向けセミナー開催します。
⇒詳しくはこちら - 2017.08
- 採用情報を更新しました。
⇒詳細はこちら - 2017.07
- DMAH/MAH代行サービス紹介PDFをトップページに掲載しました。
⇒詳しくはこちら - 2017.07
- 「サービス事例」の取扱実績を更新しました。
⇒詳しくはこちら - 2017.07
- 高度管理医療機器販売業許可を取得しました。
- 2017.05
- 英語、中国語、韓国語の翻訳を掲載しました。
- 2016.12
- 年末年始営業のお知らせ 2016年12月30日から2017年1月3日まで休業とさせていただきます。 1月4日より通常営業となります。 本年も大変お世話になりました。 2017年も何卒、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
- 2016.09
- メディカルクリエーションふくしま2016へ参加します。
- 2016.08
- 夏季休暇のお知らせ
平成28年8月11日~15日 - 2016.07
- ホームページをリニューアルしました。
- 2016.02
- 事業所を移転しました。
〒103-0001 東京都中央区日本橋小伝馬町7番16号 小川ビル7階